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Writer's picture: OnisionOnision

I've been struggling with the same realm of questions repeatedly...

What happened to real heroes?

I was on TikTok, streaming casually, and the people who proclaim themselves to be heroes repeatedly engage in the most dishonest, disgusting and illegal acts... all while pretending to be morally superior.

Reality check:

1. If you are a hero, you don't false flag people. Liars/frauds false flag people. If you feel someone is lying about their past experiences, LET THEM TALK, because they will only reveal what a fraud they are the more they talk... but false flagging? Liars fear the truth and want it shut down ASAP, y'all did exactly what frauds do... and saying I was self-harming in the stream? So you lie to TikTok, to further protect your lies toward and abuse of "Onision". The "We can't win the argument, so we'll false flag you" strategy is fucking pathetic. How weak can you transparent frauds be?

2. If you are a hero, you do not say "DOXX HIM! DOXX HIM!!!" (them saying I should be doxxed) like I saw repeatedly in the comments - Heroes do not ask other people to partake in illegal acts - such as doxxing. That's criminal behavior. Why is it you guys consistently behave as complete villains, yet also claim you're heroes? You don't think it's bizarre that you without question are sadistic and malicious, exactly the same as every other predator like yourselves is? How do you distinguish yourselves from cyber-stalkers & criminal level bullies exactly???

3. Constantly attacking a streamer for their physical appearance, again, not heroes. Every other thing you people do, is textbook evil.

4. Falsely accusing people of living in sheds, again, frauds do that, not heroes. A confusing and weird example, but pathological liars don't just lie about big things. The shed lie, the wig lie... you don't even think "Will lying about something so stupid make me lose credibility maybe?" - You just lie anyway.

5. Zero actual interest in solving problems: Having someone do/say exactly what you demand, and still acting like that's not good enough - had someone do that to me where we discussed how people allegedly lied to me on the forums, and I said if I made comments that were not appropriate as a result of their lies, then that was obviously regrettable - when asked what else they wanted me to say, they had nothing, yet they continued to act like they were not satisfied with the result. That is dishonest, and shows all you really want is to hate on someone, not actually resolve anything.

6. Repeatedly posting the full names of innocent human beings who have nothing to do with anything - people did that to me, and again, you are monsters/villains for doing that, and you clearly don't care about right/wrong, the truth or reality itself - only your own egos and lust for that satisfaction you get from harming people you convinced yourselves are bad. And calling OTHER people narcissistic when you are a PhD? All while literally talking down/punching down as if you are superior yourself? Do you not hear yourselves at all?

7. Repeatedly pushing idiot and disgusting arguments through, that have already been debunked by - yet all the while, refusing to look at said page to get any information that would not fit your extremely ignorant and foolish narrative. Not a single "Hero" does that, what heroes do is they ALWAYS get the full story, not just the one that makes them feel good and justified in hurting others.

8. Acting like your opinion matters when you (1) were not there (2) refuse to understand what actually happened/the full sequence of events (3) express your opinion purely in insults without substance - this isn't hero behavior, it's moron Trump voter behavior.

9. SPAM, just posting the same thing over and over? Are you actually stupid? That is not hero behavior. That is actual idiot behavior.

10. Ageism: The people who attack me on TikTok, are CONSTANTLY talking as if they are superior to others because of their age. The "You're almost 30, 40, 50, 60" thing just shows what a complete and utter fool the speaker of that observation is. That's like someone saying "You're a clown!" when they're literally in clown college themselves. Additionally, HALF THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE STREAM/MAKE VIDEOS ETC, ARE OLD. Think of all your favorite celebrities who are 30+, are you telling me you would make the same condescending garbage comments to them if they were streaming? Do you feel good with your superiority complex, puffing out your chest and insisting because someone is older than you, you are a better human? Talk about delusion, and worse, pure ageism - How are you so different from racists and sexists if you are discriminating based on something other people cannot control?

11. Speaking of sexism. Many people will not listen to me because of my gender. I laid out, in depth, how I was sexually extorted/raped by someone, and y'all stop listening. I played clips of them admitting to it on camera, and confessing they apologized for it on social media - still, nothing. Men can and are often victims, white men specifically have the highest suicide rate in the world and are a vulnerable group - likely because of the disgusting way society treats them, as if they cannot be harmed by anything.

It's important to end this on an important reality check: The people who do the above, are sadistic and monstrous predators. Predators attack people, especially innocent people. I saw people repeatedly telling me to kill myself in the comments, NONE of this is hero behavior.

People who attack "Onision" are not even remotely close to being heroic or even decent human beings. Predators like them, often in gangs, target and attack people who are vulnerable, outnumbered or otherwise hanging on by a thread - the sadistic and disgusting nature of people who in any way support hate toward me/other people who have been fraudulently vilified, reveal the true nature of their own evil and villainy.

If you guys want to be actual heroes, TRY HAVING AN INFORMED/EDUCATED PERSPECTIVE, review all the content at

You were more than happy to listen to people I kicked out of my life for being self-admitted criminals... yet when the person who repeatedly kept the receipts, captured their confessions, got the police reports, the witnesses, the phone call, everything... you refuse to hear any of it? How evil are you? How are you ok with being monsters? "TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY"

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